Dead space 3 story is so bad
Dead space 3 story is so bad

dead space 3 story is so bad

There's other things, but those are just a few. Although the visual update makes each step a disquieting nightmare, the enhancements made to the combat and. Some may argue that the game didn’t require a remake, however, Motive Studios are faithful in its approach and improves on the original. So by the end of the game, Carver being kind of friends/bros with Issac, feels weird because you barely know him. Dead Space is a cult classic that is considered one of the greatest horror games in the medium. The relationship between Isaac and Carver doesn't really evolve at all in single player.

dead space 3 story is so bad dead space 3 story is so bad

Which speaking of coop and Carver, if you play single player, Carver is just this kind of random guy who will pop in out of nowhere during cutscenes and pop back out afterward. Plus, most of the actual true horror scenes in a damn horror game can only be seen by the person playing as Carver. So much of what made Dead Space unique stripped away to make way for more cookie cutter things. It became more of a cover shooter than a claustrophobic horror game. Dead space 3 is a good game but a bad dead space game. Coop removed another layer of tension of feeling alone. Music, atmosphere, graphics and story are awesome. Along with the crafting kind of came the microtransactions, which will suck in any game. I know many people love the weapon crafting because it made Isaac feel like an engineer, but it ultimately removes a layer of tension. The universal ammo and building your own guns took away the tension of having to manage ammo and weapons from previous games.

Dead space 3 story is so bad