Modern us tank destroyers
Modern us tank destroyers

modern us tank destroyers

The need for a better armed tank hunter was confirmed, at a high cost, in the battle of Kasserine pass and later in multiple engagements in Sicily and Italy. The T71 was developed on this hull and chassis. If you spot anything out of place, please let us know!

modern us tank destroyers modern us tank destroyers

Hello dear reader! This article is in need of some care and attention and may contain errors or inaccuracies. This gun was also used by the M26 Pershing. Engineers were tasked with devising a new 90 mm (3.54 in) gun, which became the M3 gun, to engage German tanks on equal terms considering range. Indeed, in September 1942, it was already foreseen that the standard 75 mm (3 in) M7 gun of the M10 was only efficient at short range (500 m) against the enemy vehicles. After the early, soon obsolete M10 Wolverine and the superfast M18 Hellcat, the US Army needed a more powerful gun and better armored vehicle to hunt down the latest developments in German tanks, including the Panther and Tigers. The M36 Jackson was the last dedicated American tank hunter of the war. Tank Destroyer – 1,772 Built The ultimate American tank hunter of WW2

Modern us tank destroyers